So you want to know how to play, eh? Playing the game is pretty simple. It's web browser-based RPG, so nothing to download, install or pay for :)
The main screen for the game is the Adventure Screen ([screenshot]). The majority of player actions take place here. From this screen you can navigate the city, sectors, streets, and buildings. Click on a Sector, Street or Building name to enter it.
Once inside Buildings you can interact with items within the buildings such as locks, traps, containers, items and accept quests. From this screen you can also interact with other building types, such as Crafthouses, Merchants ([screenshot]), Vendors ([screenshot]), add or remove items from your Vault ([screenshot]), deposit your money and gain daily interest from the Bank ([screenshot]) and chat in Chatrooms ([screenshot]).
But beware, Monsters ([screenshot]) may also dwell within buildings, so be sure to have a weapon handy.
You have a Character Screen ([screenshot]), that shows you your current statistics like Health, Fatigue, Strength, Mind and Luck. Each of these skills affects your character's actions in the game. This screen also shows your character avatar, name, current amount of money and experience.
You have an Inventory Screen ([screenshot]) that shows all the items that you have found, bought, or received from other players. You can click to use some of your items in your Inventory, or you use them as you encounter containers and items within buildings.
The game has an Options Screen ([screenshot]) that allows you many game features, such as: Map Book, Quest Journal, Personal Diary, MailBox, Help File, and World Chat. Your journal keeps track of quests you receive and information you learn within the game. The message system allows you to communicate with offline players or players within the game (just like email).